Careers in Science: Sports Nutritionist

 First up: some exciting news! We’re starting a new series for this school year that will focus on different careers related to the field of science. As an effort to bring an awareness to what students can do with a science degree, we’ll allow students to research and practice that career.

We’re starting with a sports nutritionist who is representing an Olympic athlete. This is a great way to incorporate the Olympics into your classroom! is a great starting place for information about licensed nutritionists – covering everything from job demand to state licenses to required skills.


After allowing your students to research the career with the link above, encourage them to try their hand at creating a meal plan for an Olympic athlete. After planning 3 meals and 3 snacks, they’ll also explain why they’ve included those specific nutrients. Guide them to consider how the following questions affect their diet:

  1. What type of athlete have you selected?
  2. Is it a competition day? Or a training day?
  3. What types of food does the athlete have access to in his/her area?
  4. How does the athlete’s age and gender affect nutrition choices?
  5. How much does the athlete weigh?


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